co2 leak location on airsoft pistol

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co2 leak location on airsoft pistol

Often times, when dealing with gas pistols, you may encounter some problems with loading your gin with gas. This is normal and information technology can happen to anyone. When this happens, y'all have to check from where information technology is leaking, what'due south causing the leak, and what you have to exercise to fix the leak. It is one of the well-nigh mutual problems of CO2 airsoft pistol and nosotros're here to help y'all out.

What Causes the Leak?

The CO2 12-gram cartridge you use is pressurized gas. Information technology'due south ever going to try to escape and the but way out is through the punctured hole yous make every time y'all insert it into your gun.

At that place are two main causes of a leaking CO2 pistol:

  • I could be that your valve is leaking and that simply happens in rare cases.
  • The most common problem would be the seal where you put your CO2 cartridge in.

The CO2 cartridges can deform the seal slightly overtime and start the leak. Y'all'll get-go to notice this when you fire your pistol and yous burn less round every time. All CO2 guns will leak over time and the but control y'all have is the rate of loss. You merely have to minimize this the best y'all can.

How to Find the Leak

Knowing that yous have a leak isn't enough. Yous have to know where the leak is coming from earlier you try methods of fixing it. One common way of finding leaks is that you employ a soapy solution with the apply of water and any dishwashing soap you have on paw at home. Mix them together and apply some of information technology to where your suspected leak is. If bubbles first forming, that means gas is leaking out from that area.

Yet, non all leaks can exist institute by that method. If yous don't have enough time to create a solution, you tin can utilise a basin of water, much similar the sink in your bathroom, and drop the tip of your barrel into the water. If bubbles come up out, that ways that your valve is leaking. Make sure to dry it off afterward because water and airsoft guns don't do very well together.

Ways to Fix the Leak

There are a number of means to fix your leaking CO2 pistol. You can attempt some of these out when your CO2 leaks. They are not a certain fix to the trouble but they accept helped many airsoft players and it could help you out too. Take note that not all guns are the same and your pistol may slightly differ from what nosotros will be describing and explaining. All parts are the same and only use them to your own gun.

Lubricating the Seal

When yous remove your mag and reveal where the pivot that punctures your CO2 cartridge, there is a seal that goes around the pin. That is the seal that prevents the CO2 from leaking out. Spray a niggling silicone lubricant on the seal and be a little generous about it. This isn't merely a former thing, so effort to call up to spray a little of information technology earlier loading upwardly a new cartridge. Alternatively, you tin can use a PellegunOil CO2 cartridge and lubricate your seals that manner.

Tape the Cartridge

With the utilise of a little Teflon record, your seal problems can be speedily fixed. Y'all wrap some of the tape on the top of your canister and a little effectually the top. What this does is it makes certain that your canister snugly fits to where y'all insert it and information technology takes up space to prevent whatsoever deformed seal to leak CO2

Replace the O-Ring

Often times, the O-ring would be the problem of your leaking CO2 gun. All yous have to exercise is to replace the O-ring, spray it with a piffling silicone lubricant and you're good to go.

Valve Fixing

If your CO2 is leaking fast, that most definitely a valve problem. What yous tin can do is you tin can become to your local shop and take it stock-still r replaced there, or just bite the bullet and buy a new gone because replacing it costs only as much as a new gun.

Prevention is Better Than Fixing

This is the usual saying with anything and everything airsoft. Every bit repetitive as information technology may sound, proper gun maintenance is needed to prevent all of this. Keep a close eye on all your Co2 and gas guns for any leaks. You don't want to be running into a tournament and find out your pistol is leaking on the day. Y'all just lost your best sidearm. We suggest y'all maintain your guns every flavor or even twice every season if you tin to really avert unfortunate things happening to your CO2 pistol. Information technology may be tedious, but it volition assistance you out in the long run.